The PerfectLongrun - Far Away Places

Pre COVID I was incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to travel to many corners of the world.  Travelling for business was different to travelling for holiday as, in many cases it afforded the opportunity to meet and interact with people and go to places that are probably not on the local hotspot lists.  These are a collection of a few my most memorable images from my travels around our amazing planet.

Image 1: Taken (with permission) in Tufi on the Northern Side of PNG.  Tufi, set in Fjord is stunningly beautiful.  This local gentleman paddled out to meet us and was kind enough to allow me to take his photo before allowing me to have a paddle of his dug out canoe.  This photo is a great memory of the 18 months of work I did in and out of PNG, a place I never imagined visiting and will now never forget.

Image 2: Here's another place I never dreamed I would end up going... Minsk, Belarus... I travelled here with my youngest son Ben to the Junior World Sprint Canoe Championships.  Every step of this trip from getting the Visa to landing back in Australia was an experience, unfortunately very few photos from this trip, and yes, we felt like we were being watched every moment we were there...

Image 3: Taken in New Orleans, from a bus, on our way to a factory on the outskirts of town... for me its that stereotypical image of southern USA!

Image 4: I spent a couple of years travelling to and from Bangkok and one of the lasting impressions is the crazy flow of traffic in that city... another incredible experience and so grateful to have been able to explore the city with camera in hand... I could do an exhibition from Bangkok on its own!

Image 5: Even though I'm from Sydney, living on the Gold Coast Sydney became somewhere I'd travel to... always enjoy exploring the rocks and capturing the harbour at night!

Image 6: Bit like Sydney, Melbourne is a place to travel to and work and explore with the camera... this is my interpretation of Hosier Lane...

Image 7: I will never forget this day... it was like a journey back in time... a journey down the Kikori river, such a privilege and I hope it can stay so pristine and beautiful...

Image 8: The view from the window seat!

Image 9: If there was a beach nearby I would always try and get there... managed to catch Piha Beach in New Zealand at sunset one trip...

Image 10: The opportunity to have a weekend in Shanghai was incredible, I spent a Saturday and Sunday walking as far as I could around the city... another one that could be an exhibition in itself!  In the background is the Shanghai Tower, now the world's 3rd tallest building.

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